Ah, so is the English matriculation exam in the past. It went rather well, I'd say. But you can never know, I might have understood some of the texts completely wrong x)
Now I will concentrate on arts for a while. Next week school will take me down again, as I have a tough chemistry exam coming. I just need a little relaxing now - so I'm planning on new Photoshop-projects, paintings and drawings! So much to do, so little time. I also have plans of a bigger painting / spraypainting project, which I wanna do with a friend of mine. Arts is such a great way to spend time (together) <3
I'm a creative person they would say. But the fact is that I've had so little resources to do arts, to paint, to photoshop, to photograph and to draw. I've had time to plan, but no equipment required. And of course the environment had never been good for it until now. I'd love to be a game designer.
^ This one is just brilliant, totally what I want to do! ^
You should check out the guy's website aswell, the link can be found in the description of the video. If you're interested, of course. It's my current dream, has been for a while already!
If you have ANY tips, relating to game designing, programs used, ideas etc, let me know X) I'll be more than happy to receive them!
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